Upcoming Events

Come Meet With Us

2024 HUF

September 9th-September 12th, 2024
Location: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Campus North

The 2024 HPSS User Forum (HUF) will be an in-person event scheduled September 9th through September 12th, 2024, in Karlsruhe, Germany. This will be a great opportunity to present your site report, hear from other HPSS sites, talk with HPSS collaboration developers, testers, support folks and the HPSS leadership (from IBM and DOE Labs). Please contact us if you are not a customer but would like to attend!


November 17-22, 2024
Location: Atlanta, GA

The 2024 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis will be in Atlanta, GA from November 17th through 22nd, 2024. Please contact your local IBM client executive or contact us to schedule a HPSS Single Client Briefing to meet with the IBM business and HPSS technical leaders.

HPSS @ STS 2025

Location: TBD

The 6th Annual Storage Technology Showcase is in the planning phase now, but HPSS expects to support the event. Check out their web site!

HPSS @ MSST 2025

Location: Santa Clara University, CA

The 39th International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology will be in Santa Clara, California in May of 2025. Please contact us if you would like to meet with the IBM business and technical leaders of HPSS at Santa Clara University.

HPSS @ ISC 2025

June 10-13, 2025
Location: Hamburg, Germany

ISC 2025 is the event for high performance computing, machine learning, and data analytics, and will be in Hamburg, Germany at the Congress Center Hamburg, from June 10th through June 13th, 2025. Please contact us to meet with the IBM business and technical leaders of HPSS.